okeyh,entry ak kali ni psal WEEKEND....jamboo siot!hehe..ad weekend yg bfoya foya,ad yg bz psal meeting,kne prepare psal exhibition la,n mcm2...sume 2 on n on..smpi la diz weekend!ayyoi..cmne ak nk hangout ngan kwan2,kuar g karok ke,overnight..sume da x smpt cz ad je keje yg kne setle..even nk kuar ngan gf pn xde mase..oppsss!!gf pn xde nk ckp kuar ngan gf..kantoi tpu..hehe..single better la beb..sape2 pn ley kwan kn??hehe
da lari tjuk da ak ni..mrepek..xcely,sape2 yg nk share psal kaple2 ke,single or wateve ak on jep..ley share2..psal kawen pn xpe,tp jgn tnya bnyk2..ak x amk krsus kawn lg!..hehe
nk amk time nk kawen nant,bru romantic ckit amk 2 2 org..hehe
da melarat sngt nih!!aigo~....k k next,ble weekend da xde leisure time ak kn,ak rase cm ksong jep..then t'ingt la kat umah..ingt kat famly..sob3~jhat ak kn..ble weekend je bru ingt..hehe..besela..xcely ak homeSICK!!!da skt sngt da nih..haha
da lame gler kot x blk uma..next 2 week kot,blk ngan my sis..kalo jd la..nk jumpe ngan ank buah jgk.
so moral of da "dongeng story"~ingt la org yg tsyg,yg plg 1st family..even duk jauh,slalu la contact2 yep!!bkn gf je tmpt korg nk manje2..ngan fam pn boley..hehe
12 years ago
wahhh!! tu diaaa.. da start da ayat2 power dia =)
welcome to blogger world.. muahaha
haha..jgn ckp cm2,shy shy cat lorh..hehe
nwat,welcome 2 my blog!simple2 je..mcm org die..hehe
uwekkk.. muntah bdarah,, ahaks
hehe..bru je bwat blog,da mnth bdarah dh..nant da lame2 jd cmne plak..hoho
da bnyk complian..okeyh2..ajar sy yep..hehe
hahaha..xde no ka??xpe2 jnji join bnde2 yg b'faedah..huhu
haha..4 fun jep,lgpun x fitness sngt b4 2,jogging pn brpe x jep,cyclng lg la,mane ad bskl kat pkan ni
hye cit tiramisu..sape 2?da ad baby ker??keh2..nk p upm la pasni..hehe
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